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segunda-feira, 21 de abril de 2008

Beta de Metal Gear Online foi suspensa na Europa

A Konami anunciou que devido aos elevadíssimo tráfego que a beta de Metal Gear Online provocou, os seus servers não tiveram capacidade para responder de forma adequada, e como medida preventiva, o acesso dos Europeus à beta do jogo foi suspenso.

Será apenas retomado quando os servers estabilizarem. Não há uma data concreta, mas amanhã a Konami fará uma declaração oficial que poderá desvendar a data em que a beta estará de novo disponível aos Europeus.

O final da beta foi também adiado, para dia 6 de Maio.

3 comentários:

LFLivramento disse...

Porque é que eu acho que todo esse processo estar a ser mal conduzido ?

PT Lyon disse...

n sejas má língua pahh

(há coisas que n se dizem lololol mas tens razão, obviamente)

Anónimo disse...

O Old Snake poderá bater a bota??
Apesar de nao identificada a fonte, tendo em conta que a imprensa ja chegou ao fim do jogo é bem possivel que a resposta seja sim... :(

- "True Snake" (The biological son of Big Boss and EVA) is a major character in the game. The Patriots adopted him at an early age and trained him to surpass his own father. He is the "young snake" seen at the trailers, and through advanced methods of Gene Therapy, actually ages SLOWER than he should
(The opposite of Old Snake). (True Snake is likely to become a new fan favorite, as he is shown schooling VAMP in hand-to-hand combat on a cutscene - Thus making him one of the most overpowered MGS characters so far.)

- "Guns of the Patriots" refer to True Snake and the new cloning program (Snake Army), imporoving from the mistakes of Les Enfant Terribles.

- Big Boss was not actually sterile during the events of Snake Eater, and he did get EVA pregnant at the end of the game. That's why her codename is "Big Mama" in MGS4.

- One of the goals of MGS2's S3 project was, in part, to determine the correct parameters for re-enacting the events that would breed the "perfect" soldier. The results obtained with Raiden were used to further engineer True Snake into the Patriots' trump card.

- VAMP's powers are not explained in MGS4, but it is greatly hinted at that they are, indeed, paranormal.

- True Snake is a boss fight, and in what is likely to become a series favorite (Much like MGS1's Psycho Mantis and MGS3's The End), the two battle using Snake's moveset. True Snake can hide inside Cardboard Boxes and Drum Cans, and will also use Octocamo to sneak up on Old Snake. True Snake is ultimately defeated twice during MGS4 (there's a major catch to him losing to Old Snake, though), and ends up respecting Old Snake. True Snake damages Old Snake's eye in the cutscene after their second battle.

- There's a spy for the Patriots inside Philantropy (not revealed, be prepared for a lot of fan speculation).

- Ocelot's personality takes over for the final battle in the game. The Single Action Army is back, too.

- Liquid taking over Ocelot's body was planned, and has nothing to do with any psychic heritage from The Sorrow. Liquid knows True Snake is being sent by the Patriots on an assassination mission (much like Old Snake's).

- True Snake turns to Old Snake's cause near the end of the game.

- Old Snake dies from the strain after the Ocelot fight, and True Snake joins Philantropy, taking his place. Raiden dies to save Snake during the REX vs. RAY fight, in what seems to be a homage to Gray Fox. Expect him to become a lot more popular among the fanbase now. The Patriots are acknowledged to being impossible to truly defeat.

(texto retirado de outro site)

ass: lovepeace


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