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segunda-feira, 12 de novembro de 2007

COD 4 com "fix" à vista para a PS3

Muito embora Call of Duty 4: Modern Combat seja idêntico tanto na Xbox 360 como na PlayStation 3, a verdade é que os proprietários da PlayStation 3 foram confrontados com alguns problemas com a componente multijogador. Especificamente, alguns jogadores queixaram - se de longas esperas entre jogos e problemas estranhos dentro de jogos assim que eles começam. Se estás entre aqueles usuários insatisfeitos, não há mais razão para panico porque a Infinity Ward está consciente dos problemas e diz que um "fix" está neste momento em desenvolvimento. eis o que eles têem a dizer no seu forum:

Hey Everyone --

Another Update for you:

The server team has been working on this all weekend, and will be working through the night. They're upgrading all server hardware as well as dedicated an individual database to each functionality to improve performance and handle the traffic hitting the servers. (i.e. Database for Matchmaking, Database for Leaderboards, etc.)

This will greatly improve the speed and stability for matchmaking for players.

During this upgrade you may still receive the 'Downloading Game Settings' message, but it is temporary, in the sense of just let it download and you will eventually drop into a lobby and play just fine.

Remember, this is just short term, eventually once everything is upgraded you won't be receiving Downloading Game Settings at all.

However, if you do, just wait it out and you will be dropped into a lobby.

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